Church Life
What to expect as part of Building on the Rock
We invite everyone to join us Sundays for our worship services
Our Main Service is held at 10:30 am every Sunday. The service will last approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours and include a time for; worship, greeting one another and a message.
The 10:30 am service will also include Children’s Church for kids ages 5 and older. Visiting young children are welcome to join. In addition, the service will also offer a nursery for younger children ages 1 - 4, so that parents are able to focus on worship, growth, and their relationship with God.
For those who aren’t able to attend in person, we post our messages to YouTube after the service on Sunday, so you may watch it afterwards or later in the week.
Bible Reading
Building on the Rock has begun reading through the bible daily using a resource called Mission:119
What is worship like?
We have a more contemporary services with a weekly message and worship songs.
How big is the church?
We typically have about 125 worshiping with us across all of our services on a given Sunday.
What do you have for children on Sunday?
We offer children’s church for all of the pre-teen children most weeks which takes place during the 11:00 service. Typically children will be dismissed before the message and return at the end of the service.
For the infants and toddlers, we offer a nursery during the 10am service. Parents can drop their children off and get them at the end of the service.
What is the dress attire?
Dress however you would like, t-shirt, jeans, etc. Just dress comfortably. We focus more on having you here than what you’re wearing.
Will I feel pressured to give money?
We believe that God wants more than just your money. Your time, your talents, your life; this is what he wants. Many of our members simply put their hand over the offering plate and prayerfully give this to God. Some throw in nothing, some throw in pocket change, and some give cash and checks. While we feel tithing is important, whatever way your heart is moving you to give is OK with us.