Home Church

BOTR is moving into Stage 2 of our COVID-19 recovery plan, focusing more on getting involved in smaller in-person ministry groups.

Greet also the church that meets at their house.

Romans 16:5a


As the state moves into its next phase of reopening and in-person government regulations are decreasing, we are beginning our church reopening plans. Rather than all of us gathering back at the church building, we are bringing people together in small groups for the safety of all in attendance as well as to adhere to the government guidance of how many people can be gathered at a time.

We have a number of homes in our community who have offered to open their homes and watch our Sunday morning worship together in a smaller group. Many of these gatherings will take place outside (weather permitting), have a follow-up discussion, and of course a time for fellowship and conversation. We will also offer a community group for those considered high risk or with pre-existing medication conditions.

We will still offer our Sunday morning worship online for those to watch. However we ask that you prayerfully consider attending one of these groups as the next step in reuniting the people of our church and see what God can do in our own homes.

Sign Up for a Home Church

In order to keep track of who would like to attend a home gathering, how many people are attending as part of the state guidance for gathering sizes, and to ensure we can properly communicate with you regarding any rules and guidance, we ask that you fill out this form below.

Our Home Church Locations

Below are a list of our home gathering locations, including address information & things to know before attending. As noted above, please do not show up at a home gathering without completing the form above or notifying the home owner that you are planning to come. We are asking this for the safety of all in attendance as well as to adhere to the government guidance of how many people can be gathered at a time.